Kolektor Kecebong se berlari, bantu Kontrol gerakannnya ke kanan dan ke kiri, Cebong Sekolam tumpah ke jalan raya. Awas Hindari Kecebong agar tidak tertabrak ya. Kecebong adalah telor katak yg se tumbuh menjadi Kecebong Besar atau katak besar. Kecebong sangat hits untuk saat ini.Banyak ramai di media sosial. Ayo hindari semua CEBONG, upgrade terus karaktermu agar makin kuat. Salam Kolektor Kecebong. Tadpole collectors were running, help Gerakannnya control to the right and to the left, tadpole Sekolam spilled onto the highway. Caution Avoid tadpole to avoid getting hit ya. Frog tadpoles are eggs that are growing into the Great tadpoles or frogs. Tadpole very crowded ini.Banyak hits to date on social media. Let's avoid all tadpole, upgrade your character continues to be more robust. Salam Collectors Tadpole.