
A simple anagram solving game.A word between 8 and 12 letters long is chosen and anagrams between 5 and 10 letters long are generated from it.Using the same KamKeys scrolling keyboard as our Hangman game, swipe left or right anywhere on the screen to scroll the keyboard and tap the letters to select/deselect.Your anagram is displayed beneath the main word at the top, when you're happy with it just tap it. If the word is correct it will be displayed in the middle.Double tap anywhere to pause the game, when paused you can end the current game to see all the anagrams and start a new game.To keep the game all the dictionary is limited to 50,000 words. If you find more than 30% of the anagrams your score can be uploaded to KAM 'Droid online score tables (registration at www.kamsystems.com required).I wrote this game for my wife Michelle, so it's free.As always Kam Systems products do not contain advertising and there's no information harvesting.