
Soar through the air in your WINGSUIT, get the perfect shot in PAINTBALL, outrun the lava flow in ROCK CLIMBING, surge through the waves SURFING, and finally free run as fast as you can in PARKOUR. Visit Extreme Islands and jump into Career Mode to win cups in every sport, conquering every discipline, challenge by challenge, on a tropical archipelago. Jump into Endless Mode and make your own choice of sport or chalk out the challenges and pit your wits, muscles, and daring against real players. Features: • FIVE awesome extreme sports: WINGSUIT, PARKOUR, ROCK CLIMBING, SURFING & PAINTBALL. • THREE modes to compete in: Career, Endless and Challenge. • Play against friends and other gamers in the global challenge. • Loads of Power Ups to unlock for every sport from Ultra Wingsuit & Jetpacks for WINGSUIT, Super Pick Axes & Zip Lines for ROCK CLIMBING, Wave Boosters & Turbo Jumps for SURFING, Stunt Boosters & Titanium Bracers for PARKOUR and Paint Grenades & Force Fields in PAINTBALLING. • Upgrade every Power Up to be faster, more powerful and spicier! • Unlock each of the five Extreme Sports islands and win every Super Cup. • Collect XP by staying in the game if you can, and earn every trophy to become the ultimate Extreme Sports Star. • Spin the wheel of fortune to win free power ups every day.
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九游玩家7lyv9t3x... 来自于 九游APP 2017-07-04 12:53