手机游戏> Judas Lady Gaga Pa Rckts> 游戏攻略> 综合篇> 生化奇兵之父新作《Judas》新预告和截图公布
今日(2月1日)在索尼State of Play发布会上,生化奇兵之父Ken Levine新工作室Ghost Story Games公布了《Judas》新预告和截图,一起来看看吧!
《Judas》是一款单人第一人称射击游戏。"五月花号 "是一座太空城市,在这座城市里,机器控制着商业、艺术和政府的方方面面。你作为Judas,是这个神秘故事中每个事件的推动者,在这个世界中,你所做的每个决定都会影响故事发展。领袖试图把你塑造成一个模范公民,而你却引发了一场毁灭性的革命,将这一切推翻。你是要弥补自己的过失,还是让一切付之一炬?
Judas Lady Gaga Pa Rckts

If you are passionate with space and rockets you are in for a treat! Being space and music fanatics ourselves we created an amazing musical piano game with a theme of rockets! HOW TO PLAY? Tap on rockets to make them disappear. Don't let rockets pass bottom otherwise it is gameover for you! The more rockets you destroy the faster games gets. Enjoy awesome music and art and just have fun! Good luck from our team!