极速弯道: 别刹车
这是一个让你一玩就上瘾的极简赛车游戏,游戏的目标只有一个:越快越好!!! 特性: 1.全球排名,和全世界的玩家一较高下。 2.超快的启动速度让你随时随地享受游戏的无限乐趣。 3.超级简单的游戏操作方式。 4.没有各种交通规则限制,想往哪跑往哪跑。 5.极简的游戏设计风格让你能够全身心专注游戏中。 6.速度限制?让他见鬼去吧,你能开多快就开多快。 7.随时向你的朋友们炫耀你的游戏成就,使劲得瑟吧。 8.更多特性即将开放。 微信号:enjoygamestudios 官方微博:@EnjoyGameStudios http://weibo.com/enjoygamestudios 建议和反馈:enjoygamestudio@gmail.com Speed Track:No Brakes!!! This is a minimalist racing game let you instantly addicted,with one objective: Go fast!!! Features: - Super fast startup time allows you to start the game at any time - The Global rankings. - Very simple to controls. - No "right" direction, go any way you like. - Minimalist design to let you focus on racing. - NO TOP SPEED. - Share the fun of the game with friends. - More Features coming soon.