Party like there's no tomorrow! Get down with the undead in Zombie Beach Party, the game that takes frantic arcade fun, adds a dash of zombie magic, and serves...

Party like there's no tomorrow! Get down with the undead in Zombie Beach Party, the game that takes frantic arcade fun, adds a dash of zombie magic, and serves it all up party-style! The end of the world has never been more fun: • BE THE UNDEATH OF THE PARTY – Gobble up beachgoers to add them to your ever-growing zombie conga line! • DEADLY DANCING – Bust a move as you swerve around obstacles, collect treasure, and limbo under er! • BEAT THE HEAT – Dodge bullets and airstrikes as you fend off unwanted attention from the police and army alike! • GROW THE HORDE – Infect, collect, and upgrade 30+ different zombies and master their special abilities to keep the party going! • OVER 200 CHALLENGES – Complete hundreds of heart-stopping challenges to rule the beach and earn big rewards!

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