
TRY OUT NEW JUST RACIN' DEMO! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.g7s.mobile -- Driving Simulator DEMO, This is a demo of our upcoming game, it provides one level half finished to allow you to drive around and get a feel for it. Please give us feedback on what we should add, what you think and what needs fixing. Warning: GRAPHICS DIFFER BETWEEN DEVICES. It will not run on low quality phones & very all screen phones!, These are for the good phones such as the Nexus 5, LG Optimus 2X, It will not run on things such as the Samsung Galaxy Ace. Please acknowledge that BEFORE DOWNLOADING. We hope you enjoy! 尝试新的JUST RACIN“DEMO! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.g7s.mobile - 驾驶模拟器的DEMO, 这是我们即将推出的游戏的演示,它提供了一个级别完成了一半,让你到处和感受它。请给我们反馈,我们应该补充,你在想什么,哪些需要修复。 警告:图形DIFFER之间的设备。它不会对低质量的手机和非常小的屏幕的手机上运行!,这些都是良好的手机如Nexus的5,LG的Optimus 2X,它不会对东西,如三星Galaxy王牌运行。请确认下载前。 我们希望你喜欢!
豌豆9rmle3 来自于 九游APP 2024-07-19 23:26