大漠烽火,狼烟四起,飞机大战,如火如荼,这是一款比微信上的“飞机大战”更过瘾、真实感更强烈的对战游戏。 1. 这是一款欢快、色彩纷呈的射击游戏。 2. 小心驾驶你的战机,它会不停的发射子弹以攻击对面飞来的无数敌机。 3. 如果你运气好还可能会吃到攻击力倍增的双排子弹以及炸弹道具. 4. 随着你驾驶技术的提高,游戏的挑战也越来越大。 5. 这是一款会让你玩的很嗨的游戏,请注意休息。 1. It is a cheerful, color scene of the shooting game. 2. Carefully drive your fighter, it will fire bullets incessantly to attack the numerous flying enemies. 3. If you're lucky you may also meet the more powerful of double bullets and bombs props. 4. Along with your driving skills improving, the challenge of the game is also growing. 5. In short, it is a very enjoyable game to play.