
駕駛你的機甲穿梭於每一個各具特色的場景,活用各種各樣的武器來擊敗你的敵人。在每一個艱鉅的任務中擊敗你的敵人,保護你的盟友,贏取高額的獎金。你將在戰鬥中逐漸成長,無敵的機甲將由你手下誕生,你將成為這個世界最偉大的英雄!還在等什麼,趕快開始遊戲來贏得屬於你自己的榮耀! 遊戲特色: -60個分佈於不同場景中的富有挑戰性的遊戲關卡 -20餘種強力的武器和機甲由你隨意組合 -令人驚嘆的3d畫面和流暢的操作手感帶給你身臨其境的遊戲體驗 --- Pilot! You are one step away from #1 3D action-packed robot wars! Rip through your enemy robots with missiles and machine guns, electrocute them or fry them with lasers. Can you shoot down enemy robots under heavy fire or perform intricate tactical maneuvers while grenades are exploding all around you? These war robots won’t fight themselves! Get to your favorite robot, gear up, and start making a BOOM! Game Features: - 20+ battle robots and weapon types and more to come - Tons of possible combinations of robots and weapons - Awesome graphics for immersive 3D gameplay - More than 60 levels spread all around the world