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絕地反擊 - Counter Shot

公元2033年,地球已經陷入重重危機,為了掠奪資源,戰爭總是無法避免。然而,就在戰爭快要勝利的前夕,你卻慘遭背叛。反叛軍們殺光了你的軍隊,佔領了你的領土,你費盡千辛萬苦才逃了出來。接下來,該是複仇的時候了! 在前線英勇殺敵,拿起你手裡的武器,一波又一波的敵人,感受最真實的第一人稱射擊體驗,或是在後方指揮部隊,派遣你手下的士兵,一步步摧毀敵方建築,贏得最終的勝利,奪回領地,重建家園!戰鬥吧,我們的英雄,為複仇而戰,為自由而戰! 遊戲特性: - 在最危險的戰爭前線,感受真實、殘酷而慘烈的戰爭場景! - 在廢土之上,重建家園,規劃領地,佈置陷阱,守衛子民! - 各種戰斗形式自由切換,肆意地開槍殺敵還是小心地派遣部隊,完全由你決定! - 你永遠不會是一個人在戰鬥,加入聯盟,與全世界千萬玩家一起並肩作戰! --- Fight for the future in Counter Shot, the blend of action oriented first person shooter and strategy based combat! Arm yourself with deadly assassin sniper weapons or powerful machine guns now! The year is 2033. Tensions run high amongst world’s superpowers. It is your mission to restore peace to a war-torn world. You need to shoot your way out of one dire situation after another to eliminate enemy’s defending tactical forces first. Then go on the further offensive, commanding an army of elite soldiers and devastating drones to launch full attacks against the bases of terrorist organizations. Switch between first person shooter and third person strategy constantly and step into action now! Game Features: - First person shooter action combined with real time strategy - Spectacular graphics and blistering action sequences - Compete against real players all around the world