Remake of classic Javelin 2000 game is finally available for Android.The original game was made in late 1990's and has gained a cult reputation among oldschool ...
Javelin 2000
Remake of classic Javelin 2000 game is finally available for Android.The original game was made in late 1990's and has gained a cult reputation among oldschool DOS sports and retro game fans. This remake respects the original game by utilizing mostly the original artwork and has the same overall look & feel as it's ancestor.Includes global high score lists for longest throws and best competition (average of three) results!No transparency! No anti-aliasing! No interpolation! Only the best hand-picked fully opaque pixels carefully placed at right screen positions form together this magnificent javelin experience!Just like in the original game, the super-realistic physics are based on extraordinary complex scientific calculations and formulas :)
Javelin 2000游戏截图
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