Looking for a new kind of game? JanKen Battle Arena offers players a novel and unique gaming experience that revolves around the old classic Rock, Paper and Sci...
JanKen Battle Arena
Looking for a new kind of game? JanKen Battle Arena offers players a novel and unique gaming experience that revolves around the old classic Rock, Paper and Scissors mechanic combined with some fighting game element and sprinkled with Social and RPG elements. Furthermore, challenge fellow JanKen masters around the world into a battle over the internet. Better yet, invite your friends to JanKen Battle Arena to duel and claim the bragging rights to be the better JanKen master. So, what is a JanKen master? Janken (じゃん拳 janken) is the Japanese equivalent of Rock Paper Scissors. Therefore, JanKen master would mean the master of Rock, Paper and Scissors game, which is the core mechanic of JanKen Battle Arena. Features: *8 JanKen masters to unlock with more coming in the future! *5 Jin Rai (special moves) per character *More than 150 items to collect! *Collaborative Boss mode *Multiple Boss Mode reward: Best Damage, Kill Bonus, Discover Bonus and Boss Defeat Bonus *Gotcha mini-game *Accessible and profound “Easy to learn, Hard to master” *Mini-games in case of equality *Online Player versus player fights ( turn based ) …and more! If you think you have seen it all, JanKen Battle Arena might be the game that will surprise you with its one of a kind hybrid gameplay. Prepare to fight, JanKen style and become the ultimate JanKen master globally! Eldiablo Runes
JanKen Battle Arena游戏截图
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