Tokusatsu serial fans will be spoiled by RTV. The tokusatsu series titled Legend Hero will be coming soon on the screen. Interestingly, Legend Hero is not a to...
Jangbi Legend Hero Power Wallpaper Puzzle
Tokusatsu serial fans will be spoiled by RTV. The tokusatsu series titled Legend Hero will be coming soon on the screen. Interestingly, Legend Hero is not a tokusatsu series from Japan, but from South Korea. With the full title Legend Hero Samgugjeon, this series has aired in his home country in 2016 ago. What is also unique, Legend Hero is similar to Kamen Rider in terms of costumes and Super Sentai because there is a giant robot. As for the names of figures taken from the story of Three Kingdoms. Legend Hero tells of a young man named Liu Bei, the heir of "Flying Dragon Fist" from a martial school. Her daily job is cooking. But he has a hobby of mimic a martial arts master like Bruce Lee. One time Liu Bei who is often called weak is met with Xu Shu who gave him super powers. Xu Shu handed over Hero Changer and Hero Piece which made Liu Bei turn into Hero. This game features a legend hero character, which is very powerful in order to defeat his enemies. how to play this game is very young: - select the picture or character you want to play - tap play then pair or match any existing image - use the best time to get the character Have a nice play.
Jangbi Legend Hero Power Wallpaper Puzzle游戏截图
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