iPlay15Lite is an educational game. The goal is to pick three numbers from 1 to 9, lets say x, y, z to make x + y + z = 15. For example, Red bear first pick num...
iPlay15Lite is an educational game. The goal is to pick three numbers from 1 to 9, lets say x, y, z to make x + y + z = 15. For example, Red bear first pick number 6, Blue bear pick 1, then Red bear pick 4, Blue Bear pick 2, then Red bear pick 5. At this time Red Bear reach the goal because that 4 + 5 + 6 = 15. When Red bear has number 6 and 4, Blue Bear should pick 5 but not 2 to prevent Red bear from winning the game.iPlay15Lite can be used as a family educational game to help kids discover the magical of 9 numbers. iPlay15Lite supports auto play mode means person can challenge against the computer, it provides 4 play level, level 1 is the easiest and level 4 is the hardest.iPlay15Lite supports manual play mode, means two people can challenge each other.
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