
全景3D策略海戰遊戲《海戰紀元:帝國崛起》重磅來襲!!以第二次世界大戰著名海戰為世界觀背景,重現二戰經典最慘烈的海戰,親眼見證人類現代戰爭史上最熱血傳奇的戰爭場面,自由操控戰略巨作!戰艦帝國,王者榮耀,指揮與征戰,軍事迷的手遊必備!**六大艦種,打造無敵艦隊** 驅逐艦、輕巡艦、重巡艦、戰列艦、潛艇、航母,世界各類艦種齊全;俾斯麥號、大和號、衣阿華號等上百艘二戰超級艦隊傳奇再現,打造戰艦帝國,決戰太平洋。 **傳奇名將,重現王者榮耀** 穿越歷史的沉沙,全球名將爭霸,蒙巴頓、尼米茲、鄧尼茨等二戰名將將回到這個虛擬時空爭霸海洋! **精細模擬,感受现代戰爭** 全景擬真的3D遊戲畫面,等比細緻打造重現二戰歷史帝國艦隊。 聯繫我們: Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/NavalBattles/ QQ: 581515446 Based on the famous naval clashes of the World War II, with 3D battle presentation and wonderful gaming experience, at this counter strike of war, Naval Battles is a mobile strike game of war for all military game fans! **Build Your Front With Calls Of Champion Warships** Destroyers, light cruisers, armored cruisers, battleships,Biarck, Yamato, and Iowa, hundreds of famous World War II ships are summoned back to the battlefield. Form an army of heroes to experience classic battles and find your vainglory on the sea! **Made With 3d Engine To Represent Real Ware** Made with the beloved game engine Unity3D, Naval Battles has a vivid visual effect that truthfully depicts battle damage and ship appearance. The total 3D environment maximizes the thrilling and breath-taking naval modern combat! **Famous Historical Warriors Are Back On These Ocean Wars** Some of the most famous or infamous World War II glory of generals , including Louis Mountbatten, Chester W. Nimitz, and Karl Dönitz, are back as your allies. You can play as a war commander and lead your fleet to the war of vainglory. Working together with the ship's attributes, a fleet commander’s skills can fundamentally affect the battle! **Use Strategies To Change The Battle Outcome** Using 191,800 different strategies, you can really be a master of tactics. when you fight for an invasion, try change your formation to override enemy formation and turn around the situation! This is WAR! **Combine Warship And Officer Growth Together To Build a Strongest Fleet** When you upgrade your warships, don't forget to train your officers as well. In this war and order, well trained officers and strong ships are both vital in Naval Battles! Contact Us: Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NavalBattles/ QQ: 581515446 修改戰鬥中黑屏的問題!