
Did it ever happen to you that you were busy blowing up the Parlaiment and the guards were very close to catch you? Well, it might in the future, so you'd better be prepared. Jump and crawl to dodge the barrels, or shoot them with the bullets you pick up. When you feel like you control all the necessary skills, check out the achievements. This game is a guarantee for hours of fun getting a better understanding of the history of The Gunpowder Plot. 难道它曾经发生在你身上,你忙着吹了Parlaiment和侍卫们非常接近抓住你? 那么,它可能在未来,所以你最好做好准备。 跳和爬躲闪桶,或你拿起子弹开枪射击。 当你觉得你控制所有必要的技能,检查出的成果。 此游戏是乐趣得到一个更好的理解的火药阴谋的历史时间的保证。