Rocket Romeo:[ new game ] Help a hero safely get down to earth using his jetpack. Every new game is fresh and different from the previous. The Dark Dragon has b...

Rocket Romeo:[ new game ] Help a hero safely get down to earth using his jetpack. Every new game is fresh and different from the previous. The Dark Dragon has been troubling the residents of Chicken-Land for a long time now. The last time he invaded the town, he couldn't stand the happiness of the cutest couple - Rocket Romeo and his Juliet. In order to spoil the beauty of Juliet, he tried to hurt her and ended up leaving a scar on her face. The scar is deadly and if it is not healed in time, Juliet will die. Juliet can be saved only by an elixir which is kept in the air-castle of Dark Dragon. Rocket Romeo wore the jetpack on his back and went to the castle. Rocket Romeo has stolen the elixir from the air-castle and is descending to Chicken-land, which is on the Earth. The path downward is full of deadly bridges, dragons and guards. Help Rocket Romeo in saving Juliet by making him reach Chicken-land safely. This is a new game with two simple control: tilting to move around horizontally and tap to propel. You can slow the falling rate by switching on the rocket (jetpack) . [ HOW TO PLAY ] Tap and hold to keep the rocket on. You have to dodge the bridges, dragons and guards on the way downward. To gain an extra life, collect the eggs on the way. When a new game starts the eggs collected in previous games are stored. A simple yet addictive game. Try it now to help Rocket Romeo, save the love of his life. "One of the best new game in arcade genre. " IN-APP LEADERBOARD The leader board will show your highest score and score of the most recent game. You can see your global rank and the scores of top 50 players across the world. Enjoy Rocket Romeo, challenge your friends and tell us if you got away with its addiction! Best new addictive game. 火箭罗密欧:[新游戏]帮助英雄放心地脚踏实地的用他的喷气背包。每一个新的游戏是新鲜的,从以前的不同。 黑暗龙族一直困扰着鸡,土地的居民很长一段时间了。他最后一次入侵小镇,他无法忍受的可爱情侣的幸福 - 火箭罗密欧与朱丽叶他。为了破坏朱丽叶的美丽,他试图伤害她,并最终留在她脸上的疤痕。疤痕是致命的,如果不及时医治,朱丽叶就会死亡。朱丽叶只能由保持在空气城堡暗黑龙的仙丹被保存。火箭罗密欧穿着喷气背包在他的背上,前往城堡。 火箭罗密欧偷走从空中城堡的灵药,并且下降到鸡 - 土地,这是在地球上。 路径向下充满了致命的桥梁,龙和警卫。 帮助火箭罗密欧在朱丽叶节省了使他达到鸡,安全着陆。 这是两个简单的控制一个新的游戏:倾斜,以水平移动并挖掘推动。 您可以通过在火箭(Jetpack的)交换缓慢下跌幅度。 [HOW TO PLAY] 点击并按住保持火箭上。 你有躲闪的桥梁,龙和警卫向下的方式。 将获得额外的生活,收集鸡蛋在路上了。 当一个新的游戏开始收集在以前的游戏鸡蛋储存。 一个简单而上瘾的游戏。现在就来试试,帮助火箭罗密欧,拯救他的生命的爱。 “一个在街机风格的最佳新游戏”。 IN-APP LEADERBOARD 该排行榜会显示你的最高最新的游戏分数和分数。你可以看到你的全球排名以及排名前50位的球员在世界各地的分数。 享受火箭罗密欧,挑战你的朋友,并告诉我们,如果你带走了它的瘾!最好的新上瘾的游戏。

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