"In Adventures of Stickman you control a charming little stickman who must traverse hazards, avoid enemies and overcome obstacles on his way to the end of the levels. He’s not the most nimble of heroes and he doesn’t have any skills other than being able to run and jump, but he doesn’t really need any – because you are there to assist with your magic pencil!"- AlphaBetaGamer. Use your imagination to help Stickman through the game! Adventures of Stickman gives you the ability to alter the game world but be mindful of ink! Press the pencil button to freeze time and enter the draw mode, draw whatever you need, press the button again and be on your way! Good luck!

豌豆mk1zy3来自于 九游APP 2017-09-19 23:47
左右跳的判定好迷,假如像反方向跳,按住跳再按方向键直接就会跳出去。 而不是按照你的操控尺度来。不过玩法很有趣。 很棒!要动一点脑筋!我记得还有一些游戏和这个一样。
再水一贴算我输来自于 九游APP 2017-09-19 21:08
这款游戏让我想到了一个都不能死这款虐心游戏。 很棒!要动一点脑筋!我记得还有一些游戏和这个一样。 赞一个!特别喜欢~
被隐藏的信仰来自于 九游APP 2017-09-19 20:02
非常有意思的游戏,低配版毛线卡比~ 通过画笔随意画出可以帮助通关的道具,画着画着就把自己画死了 TAT 很不错,但是操作很蛋疼,优化也差,画多了就卡。