This game revolves around troubled story of high school dropout bully boy william whose sole purpose is to bully the other naughty students and his class fellow...
High School Hero vs Bully Gang
This game revolves around troubled story of high school dropout bully boy william whose sole purpose is to bully the other naughty students and his class fellows, william proves himself to be incredibly evil, manipulative to other students and teachers, and highly intelt, being a bad bully boy he constantly reminds other bully kids of his arrogance and vanity. This game is not about shooting or fighting but its a fun game full of adventure where you will be an interesting bully gangster in your high school and you will break all the rules of the discipline! Your mission is to behave like a bad boy bully in high school gangster game, survive and escape through hard time missions. Fight and strike slender students and high school security guards to bully in cafeteria and college hallway. Sneak into the principal office stealing important confidential notes and survive your time lock in detention, sneaking from creepy teachers and authorities High School Hero vs Bully Gang Game Play:< Violent crime is routine in the inner city high school and everything is run by a punk posse. It is so erous that the students have to go through a metal detector at the front door! You have been chosen to bring the peace back to the school! Stand up against the tyrants, duel & beat the gangs, play pranks on teachers, and rise through the ranks of the school system. Or just freely roam in the campus and fall in love with a square girl - it’s all up to you!. The story is about a High school bully gangster who is the head of the school gang & he loves to put bully`s school mates in locking up & giving physical punishment in classroom in this high school games. He is a new bully boy in town & joined High school. . It is not a romantic game of high school love story. High school bully boy is an evil kid of house party. He strike girlfriends by flying paper ball toss in the classroom. Critically steal lunch boxes of bully`s close friends. Anna was one of bully target to whom bully boy was giving hard time in city school. Participate in karate fighting tournament, beat all your bully opponents to become the champion of high school karate competition! Let the evil students of city campus have the taste of their own medicine in this high school gangster game. It’s not a love story of the students in the school days rather an evil karma of their own fate in face of creepy bully gangster in high school continuing the legacy of his high school dropout student through his evil actions. High school Bully gangster is a third person bad boy bully game where a troubled psychopath ager is entered into the school life to enjoy humiliating other high school students and teachers. You as a third person player; Gary, has to face the bullies of the school and save his friend from beating, throw rocks and papers, don’t seek too much attention to yourself and stop anyone from complaining to the principal about your secret hunts of the crazy adventure in this gangster high school game. You have been caught into the detention as punishment for your disciplinary actions, sneak and escape from the office while the teacher is sleeping, destroying the cameras of the campus to erase any footage of your crime recordings. Be the vicious criminal in high school and get ready for some great fun of your life by bullying kids in high school. High School Hero vs Bully Gang Features: ◆ Rescue the grand combat against city high school frontline security guards & student gang wings. ◆ Awesome classroom fever starts in high school fever by sneaking from teacher. ◆ Smooth, Easy & Intuitive Controls in bully game. ◆ Amazing 3D High School Environment. ◆ You got limited time to clear your missions so be as fast as possible ◆ Immersive & a vast 3D city ◆ Realistic Sound Effects. ◆ Animated fire hose and water ◆ 10 most challenging levels. So what are you looking for? Just download this High School Hero vs Bully Gang. WE VALUE YOUR FEEDBACK:.
High School Hero vs Bully Gang游戏截图
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