OMAG Corporation is running a project “Hidden World”. In which you can explore the Lost Worlds using Time Travel Machine. In pervious story (A Better Human) we ...
Hidden World : A Better Human

OMAG Corporation is running a project “Hidden World”. In which you can explore the Lost Worlds using Time Travel Machine. In pervious story (A Better Human) we learn about Natari. That how he is trying to help Mori to get her sister back. We also learn that he is trying to confess his sins. Sins that he did in his past life. But now he changed himself. Because one a wise man told him that “life is 2 way street if your soul is corrupt it doesn’t mean that you cannot become a good human again. If you try hard enough you can become what you want. Now it’s your choice what path you chose”. This Story is about Natari. Who is he why he is helping Mori? Is he is really a better human is this dark world or is he is trying to do confession of his previous sins. We don’t know for sure. Want know more about Natari come with us. So do you want to become an explorer in Hidden World? If yes then this is right place for you. In this game “A Better Human” have variety of adventures. Each Level has three difficulty modes: easy, medium, hard. Difficulty depends on the amount of time that you are given. So its mean you have limit time with limited number of hits. Then you need to be fast, active, art and adventurist. So are you ready to find hidden objects and truth in this game. If yes then download this game now and become a member of OMAG Corporation. 更新内容: 优化体验,增强稳定性。
Hidden World : A Better Human游戏截图

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