Hex Doodler is a drawing program centered on the concept of drawing with symmetry.This app is still in beta. Comments, suggestions and problem reports are welco...
Hex Doodler (beta)

Hex Doodler is a drawing program centered on the concept of drawing with symmetry.This app is still in beta. Comments, suggestions and problem reports are welcome.Features: - Draw with symmetry - Open the menu with the MENU button - Switch between several colors - Change the scheme (set of colors) - Enable Cycle Mode to cycle between different colors - Draw with transparency - Change the number of symmetry lines - Much more...This app was designed on a tablet and therefor may appear cramped on a aller screen. It does work on a phone, but some of the buttons may be a bit all.If Hex Doodler works on your device (or doesn't work) please let me know so that I can update this list and come out with bug fixes.Works on the following devices: - Samsung Galaxy S 4 - Amazon Kindle Fire - ViewSonic GTablet
Hex Doodler (beta)游戏截图

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法力行黑暗舞者 来自于 九游APP 2018-08-11 14:37