手机游戏> 黑白棋 -Quick Reversal- 强大快捷> 游戏新闻
黑白棋 -Quick Reversal- 强大快捷

黑白棋,强大快捷、免费的经典游戏。附有对战模式。 Android的黑白棋,搭载最高级的人工智能。 可以两人对战,是黑白棋爱好者的必备游戏。 游戏模式有3种。 ■Time Trial 速度极快! 与时间赛跑。 ■60sec 向着最高分冲击! 比赛60秒内取得的棋子数量。 ■Challenge 难度极大! 随着你的步步胜利,人工智能也逐渐变强。 适合玩家水平的难度,让你玩得更起劲。 ■2P(附加) 交替使用一部Smart Phone,可实现两人对战。 ・关于UNDO/HINT -如果每天玩游戏,则每天可使用3次。 -如果阅读了广告,则每天可使用1次。The classic board game, also known as Othello(Reversi), is a strategy board game. Quick Reversal has very strong and fast AI engine. Compete with your family and friends. FEATURE - Beautiful graphics and exciting sound effects. - Five Themes. - Four players match. - Four game modes. - Sheke gesture to replay. - Undo/Hint. Game Mode - Time Trial Push your speed to the limit! This is a race against time. - 60sec Aim for a high score! Get as many pieces as possible within 60 seconds. - Challenge Push your skills to the limit! The more you win, the cleverer the artificial intelce becomes. Enjoy the game in line with your skills. - 2P Compete against another player by taking turns on one Smart Phone. About UNDOs/HINTs - If you play every day, you can use 3 per day.