Haze Maze

Haze Maze is an original maze game. Game provides three maze modes: visible ("baby"), semi-blind ("normal") and full-blind ("hardcore"). In baby mode, the whole haze maze is visible for the player. In normal mode, only the area, where you have already been, is visible. In hardcore mode, the whole maze map is invisible except the player position and the next walls. Completion of each map opens next level ( bigger map). Number of levels is limited only by the resolution of your device. All maze maps are randomly generated. You can regenerate maze map by pressing refresh button. At each level, you will find coins in the amount equal to the level number. Coins can also be purchased in the store. Coins on the maze map are visible in baby mode and invisible in normal and hardcore modes. You may spend collected coins for using stuff. Two kinds of stuff are available in baby mode: - ghost (allows to move through maze walls); - dozer (break walls). Two additional kinds of stuff are available in normal and hardcore modes: - coin detector (shows the rest of coins in the map); - lamp (shows maze map). All kinds of stuff are active for one player's move. You can change the player appearance. Three appearances are available in the basic version of the game. Maze game never ends, because you can generate and pass random labyrinth maps again and again, more and more!