Ever been struck by a spur-of-the-moment craving for a good game of football with friends – but held back because the challenge of organizing it seemed too over...

Ever been struck by a spur-of-the-moment craving for a good game of football with friends – but held back because the challenge of organizing it seemed too overwhelming? Haweee is here to help.Before you even step out onto the pitch, it’s the little details that get in the way of an optimum football experience: worries over getting enough people, making sure they come on time, and – worst of all – the risk of any of your players bailing out on their share of the payment. Now you can avoid all this drama with a simple swipe of the finger.The Haweee experience continues beyond just a single game. Once you’ve added your friends to create a core squad, you can arrange games against other teams, wherever they may be. Organize entire tournaments, without the headache of having to keep track of who’s won what. With Haweee, all you need to do is input scores and it crunches the numbers for you.You also can keep track of every team’s win-loss-draw numbers, delivering all the stats you need – which applies to individual players, too. After every game, you can win badges once you’re voted best player, defender, attacker, or even best goal – which you can then show off on your profile for all to see.Whether it’s to indulge an occasional pastime or supplement an enthusiastic hobby, Haweee’s tried-and-true system takes care of all the hard work for you – leaving you to enjoy the beautiful game.

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