手机游戏>Happy Glass>Happy Glass水管
Happy Glass水管
Happy Glass128-129关通关方法 128-129过关技巧分享
Happy Glass128-129关怎么过?最后的这2关是难住了菲朵网友的存在,不过大家不用担心,今天小编为大家整理了最新想的Happy ...[详情]
《happy glass》第81-90关通关方法汇总 第81-90关怎么过
happy glass81-90关怎么过?一共10道关卡,每一关的难度都不一样,只要让水管里面的水顺利到达玻璃杯,并且需要一定的水量,才能通...[详情]
Happy Glass

The glass is sad because it's empty. Your job is to draw a line to make the glass filled up with liquid and ile again! Try to find the best way to complete each level. You can come up with your own solution so be creative and don't be affraid to think out of the box! Some levels might look easy but let's see if you can actually get the 3 stars. features : * dynamic mechani. Draw lines freely to complete levels! * Simple, art and fun puzzles but can be challenging too * Lots of levels with more coming soon! * Fun and relaxing theme that will make you stay for quite some time