Monster Battles: TCG is a free-to-play collectible card game. Collect and Evolve your Monsters and become the Ultimate Monster Trainer! COLLECT & EVOLVE: - Co...

Monster Battles: TCG is a free-to-play collectible card game. Collect and Evolve your Monsters and become the Ultimate Monster Trainer! COLLECT & EVOLVE: - Collect and Evolve monsters from 9 different elements (water, fire, earth, plant, wind, mystic, dragon, electric and mech!) each of them with unique abilities, names and voices! CHALLENGES: - Travel around this magic world and battle against other champion Trainers to unlock magical Badges and win special rewards! ONLINE TOURNAMENTS: - Play Online against other Trainers around the world, compare your scores and rankings with your friends! STORY: - Monster Battles: The Card Game offers a never ending single player campaign which will put your Monster Training to test, combine your elements and battle through countless missions! And remember: Power is the Key of the Monster! TOURNAMENTS & R - Join a Gym and play against powerful Monsters with your friends to get exclusive Rewards. Languages Supported: * English * Español (Europa) * Русский * 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) * 日本語 (Japanese) Like us on Facebook! • facebook.com/MonsterBattlesTCG Forum Pages • http://bit.ly/monsters_forums *Support* Did you experience an issue? Visit http://bit.ly/monsters_forums or http://frozenshard.com/support.html and we will reply within 1-2 business days. Privacy Policy http://www.frozenshard.com/games/monsterstcg/privacy_policy.html Terms of Service: http://www.frozenshard.com/games/monsterstcg/tou.html

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懒猫PxaAG 来自于 九游APP 2017-06-14 23:12