
This R.O.R. Mobile application has been devised to assist Educators, Navigators and Students appearing for examinations as a ready reference, self-help tool and operational instruction manual for the safe and operational worthiness of the seafaring community in the world. It includes Day & Night Signals displayed by vessels as well as the Buoyage systems and Alphabetical numeral flags and their meanings. Following features have been incorporated: 1) Sound signals as heard out at sea. 2) Flashing lights displayed as required by the Collision avoidance rules. 3) Buoyage system with flashing lights 4) Light Characteristics as displayed by various light houses, buoys etc. 5) Self test. At the end of each self test a candidate will get a score to assess his/her progress. 6) General Principles of IALA buoyage system 7) Flag etiquette You can even send us an email with suggestions, critici etc directly from the application home page provided your handset is configured to send emails. Just CLICK on the web address and a mail box opens. Type your message and SEND. We will promptly evaluate your input and make the appropriate updates. Thank you in advance for your feedback. BHANDARKAR PUBLICATIONS, INDIA www.bhandarkarpub.com 这R.O.R.移动应用程序已被设计来帮助教育工作者,航海家和学生的考试作为一个现成的参考,自救工具和操作说明书的安全和运营的信誉在世界航海界出现。 包括信号显示船舶和浮标系统和字母数字标志及其含义日夜。 已纳入以下特点: 1)在海上听到的声音信号。 2)显示闪烁的灯光所要求的避碰规则。 3)灯光闪烁的浮标系统 4)光特性所显示的各种光的房子,浮标等。 5)自我测试。在每个自检结束候选人会得到一个分数来评估他/她的进步。 6)IALA浮标系统的一般原则 7)国旗礼仪 你甚至可以给我们发送电子邮件,建议,批评等,直接从应用程序的主页提供您的手机配置发送电子邮件。只需点击网址并打开邮件箱。键入并发送信息。我们将及时评估您的输入,并做出相应的更新。谢谢你提前为您的反馈意见。 班达卡,印度 www.bhandarkarpub.com