Kirby Super Star, released as Kirby's Fun Pak in PAL regions, is a 1996 platforming video game developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo for the Sup...
Guide Kirby Super Star
Kirby Super Star, released as Kirby's Fun Pak in PAL regions, is a 1996 platforming video game developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) , part of the Kirby series of platforming video games by HAL Laboratory. In Kirby Super Star, players play as Kirby, who can float, inhale blocks and enemies and spit them out. By swallowing certain enemies after inhaling them, Kirby can copy their abilities and use them as his own, becoming able to perform a wide range of attacks. A unique feature of the game is the addition of helpers. Gourmet Race is a race type mode in which Kirby must race against King Dedede whilst eating as much food as possible. Taking place across three levels of varying length, the winner is whomever earns the most points by the end of all three levels, with bonus points awarded for being the first to finish each race.
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