Guess the Band challenges users to name a famous band given the names of its members. Users can choose to play for 4, 3, 2 or one point per band. The lower the ...
Guess The Band

Guess the Band challenges users to name a famous band given the names of its members. Users can choose to play for 4, 3, 2 or one point per band. The lower the points the more well known the band member. There are 8 levels of 10 questions each. For each level a certain number of bands must be guessed correctly before the next level opens. The total correct and score for each level is recorded.As the user goes into higher levels, maximum points become harder to score, since many of the bands contain only or two readily recognizable names; only real fans will score highly at these levelsFor each question the user can choose fewer points if the name of the band isn't guessed on the first try; the user is not locked out of a question for one incorrect answer.The bands chosen would mostly be classed as "classic rock", although there are some from other genres. They would be known in many parts of the world; there are no bands successful in one country only.Some alternative spelling of names is accepted, however the user will be asked to try again if the guess is too far removed from accepted alternative spelling.Most of the members were with the band for a long period of time or during a time of high popularity; although they may not currently be part of that band
Guess The Band游戏截图

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