
This is the official mobile app of the Philadelphia Eagles. Make your Android device a unique part of your game-day experience for Eagles games. Want to catch breaking news of the team? See real-time statistics for every drive? Watch live and on-demand clips of press conferences and player interviews? Follow post-game blogs and pre-game previews of the matchups? Now, you can stay in touch with the Eagles anytime, anywhere, on your Android device. FEATURES: - News: Real-time breaking news from the Eagles, previews of upcoming matchups, post-game blogs - Video: Live and on-demand clips of Eagles' press conferences, coach and player interviews - Photos: Gallery of game-time action - Audio: Podcasts - Stats: Real-time statistics and scores from the official NFL stats engine, head-to-head stats of the matchup, player stats, drive-by-drive stats, box score, out-of-town scores around the league - Season Ticket Member Exclusive Content: Access exclusive photos, historical video clips and game coins - Standings: Division and conference standings - Fantasy: Keep track of your favorite fantasy players - Depth chart: Shown by offense, defense and special teams - Social media: Check in to the stadium on game-day, one-click tweet of all media items, one-click facebook posting of all media items - Schedule: Schedule of upcoming games, and scores/stats of previous games from the season, ticket purchase for games - Concessions: Interactive map of the stadium with searchable concessions-stands and amenities - Evolving home-screen: Pre-game, in-game, post-game, off-season countdown, draft-day Follow us @yinzcam on Twitter for updates or to ask questions and provide feedback. The Eagles Official Mobile app is created and maintained by YinzCam, Inc., on behalf of the Philadelphia Eagles. 这是费城老鹰队的官方移动应用程序。让你的Android设备的游戏天体验老鹰比赛独特的组成部分。想赶上球队的最新新闻?对于每一个驱动器中看到实时的统计数据?关注新闻发布会和球员采访的直播和点播剪辑?按照对决的赛后博客和赛前预演? 现在,你可以留在与老鹰联系,随时随地在Android设备上。 产品特点: - 新闻:实时突发新闻的老鹰,即将到来的对决赛前,赛后的博客 - 视频:老鹰“新闻发布会直播和点播剪辑,教练和球员采访 - 照片:游戏时间行动画廊 - 音频:播客 - 统计:从官方NFL的实时统计和分数统计在联盟的发动机,头对头统计的对决中,玩家资料,偷渡式驱动器的统计,技术统计,外的镇得分 - 季票会员专享内容:访问独家照片,历史的视频剪辑和游戏币 - 积分榜:司和会议榜上 - 幻想:保持跟踪您最喜爱的幻想玩家 - 深度图:由进攻,防守和特殊团队所示 - 社会化媒体:检查到比赛日的赛场,所有媒体项目的一键鸣叫,一键Facebook的所有媒体项目发布 - 附表:附表即将到来的比赛,和分数/从本赛季之前的比赛统计,购票的游戏 - 特许经营:与搜索让步,立场和设施的球场互动地图 - 不断发展的主界面:游戏前,在游戏中,赛后,淡季倒计时,选秀日 跟随我们@yinzcam在Twitter更新或提问,并提供反馈。 老鹰队官方移动应用程序创建和维护YinzCam公司,代表费城老鹰。