Defend the Galaxy and planet Earth from the alien Galaxia invaders as they attack, zig zag and dive-bomb the player. Collect bonus power-ups and use them to de...
Galaxy Storm - Galaxia Invader (Space Shooter)
Defend the Galaxy and planet Earth from the alien Galaxia invaders as they attack, zig zag and dive-bomb the player. Collect bonus power-ups and use them to destroy the attacking swarm of aliens. Get this retro space shooter that classic gaming fans just love! Best free galactic arcade space shooter game - Play Galaxy Storm - Galaxia Invader today! Styled on classic 80s arcade games. Press: ★★ App Weekender Pick - AndroidTapp ★★ 4/5 Stars – A solid, entertaining and challenging shoot ‘em up, Galaxy Storm is a great homage that old and young should try out. - Androidheadlines Fast Arcade Shoot'em up (Shmup) retro space shooter in the style of classic retro arcade games. The alien invaders are attacking and they're bringing their boss! So you need to tool up! Power-up with Blaster rapid fire, Plaa cannon, Side guns etc, Shields and more... Features: ★ Easy to play, Hard to master ★ Fast ooth action on phone or tablet ★ Includes Power-ups and Bosses! ★ Free Galaxia ship and unlockable Galagan space ship ★ Great sound effects and soundtrack ★ Retro arcade feel of 1980s ★ Global Scoreboard (to get on it score over 5000+ points) ★ 3 Control modes (Buttons or 1 Finger Drag or 2 Finger Drag) ★ Score bonuses for killing charging aliens ★ Optional CRT scanlines!! ★ Responsive controls: easy to use ★ Multi-touch with fire button on top right of screen ★ Autofire shooting option Play Galaxia Invader and defeat the oncoming alien bugs! **** Please Rate Us & follow on Twitter for updates @Gazzapper **** *** Controls (Touch or Buttons) *** Button Control: Left / Right / Fire buttons on bottom of screen (my personal preference) Autofire: Just use the new autofire button to switch it on or off Drag (Touch) Controls: 1 Finger Mode: Touch bottom screen to have ship follow your finger 2 Finger Mode: Touch bottom screen to have ship follow your finger and tap screen above the ship to shoot. 2 Finger Side Mode: Move and shoot ship gun by pressing each side of the screen Includes the tricky "Alien Dodge" from the classic and "Chase the Flagship" Get your Highest Score on a Global High-score Table! Works well on all or large screens [ Please update to latest Version ]
Galaxy Storm - Galaxia Invader (Space Shooter)游戏截图
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