The event so the game take place in the distant future, when humanity has surpassed the limits of technological development and the world has descended into the...
Galaxy Shooter FPS Humanoid Legacy Survival Dead
The event so the game take place in the distant future, when humanity has surpassed the limits of technological development and the world has descended into the chaos of interplanetary ware! Player will face combat as classes Soldier Killer Step onto the battlefield and answer the call with the title that raised the bar for first person shooter games with its great graphics, high-powered guns and intense online multiplayer action. Intergalactic war destroyed earth, battlefields and war becomes everyday experience for everyone. Cities are burning and nations vaporizing. Only true commando can find his way through nightmares of war start fighting his way to victory. Death lies around when dead invaders wanders around destroying our legacy. Trigger your wrath and use it against deadly hostiles. Use your gun (or even two at the same time) and kill those aliens. Call your army and attack their troops. Only your brothers and you can achieve huge army objectives. Soldier Killer invasion from galactic depths require sacrifice and duty to overcome difficulties. Complicated circumstances of earth forced you to fight alone, as a hunter. Take your futuristic gun and blast your way on ware fields. Use your ultimate sniper training and start eliminating your opponents. Every killed enemy have definitive effect on the war line. Best free shooter has arrived once again - shoot, kill and destroy to achieve one ultimate target - defeat their queen and win. FPS - Third person shooter - genre obtained new noble representative. Ruined human cities on the edge of fallen, lat human hope, full of revenge. Galaxy Shooter FPS Humanoid Legacy Survival Dead War is an epic action packed sniper shooting game. You are going to be a US Commando, an agent to the government who is on a stealth mission to diminish terrorists with his unforgettable tactics and valor. You are going to encounter guerilla force and as a critical strike warrior , you have to counter terrorists and show your modern ware skills in battlefield. As an army commando you have to plan your tactics according to your duty of modern days shooting war, ready your squad and command fighters to shoot with most advanced guns. is the duty of a commando and call of mission US is the obligation of a sniper hero like you. You are going to experience the best shooting game ever launched. You would be in an attractive environment like desert storm and ice storm and you have to assault your enemies with high tech weapons and assault guns like bazooka and machine gun simulation. It is going to be a survival war with the best armed forces going to fight against brutality of their savage enemies. You have to get rid of these hunter forces through fps and third person shooters. The tension would not be less than a WW2. All you have to do is control your nerves and save the nobleman and tackle your enemies. Galaxy Shooter FPS Humanoid Legacy Survival Dead War is a free army game and it’s not the Kids army game because you have to make sound schemes and complete your mission by shooting right at the target in battle. Its swat shooting where you are going to war your enemies and become victorious. So play with your nerves and enjoy the addictive gameplay and best ever army shooting with real graphics and controls.
Galaxy Shooter FPS Humanoid Legacy Survival Dead游戏截图
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