Free Money Ball

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Free Money Ball

Free Money Ball
Versión español Titulo informativo [详情]

Versión español Titulo informativo: Juega y gana, mas fácil imposible y total mente increíble. Descripción: Free Money ball hace que todo sea muy fácil que ni parece cierto. En primer lugar solo tienes que entrar con tu dispositivo móvil a la app, esta te dará una indicación clara de que se hacer... en cuestión solo tienes que tocar la pantalla para accionar la pelotita la cual tiene que encajar con su aro, cada vez que consigas encajar se te dará 1 punto. ¿Para que los puntos? Pues cuando acumulas 150 puntos podrás obtener tu recompensa. Modos de juego Fácil: Trata de que nunca pierdes siempre ganas. Hardcore: Trata de que tienes 5 vidas y lo que lo diferencia es que si consigues los 150 puntos en este modo de juego tu recompensa se te sera dada mucho mas rápido que en el modo fácil. Por ultimo a disfrutas y ganar. Version Ingles Informative title: Play and win, easier impossible and totally incredible. Description: Free Money ball makes everything very easy that does not even seem true. First you just have to enter with your mobile device to the app, this will give you a clear indication of what to do ... in question you just have to touch the screen to operate the ball which has to fit with your ring, each Once you get to fit you will be given 1 point. What points? Then when you accumulate 150 points you can get your reward. Game modes Easy: Try that you never lose always desire. Hardcore: Try that you have 5 lives and what makes the difference is that if you get 150 points in this game mode your reward will be given much faster than in easy mode. Finally to enjoy and win. Spanish version   indicated: Play and win, easier and complete mind boggling impossible.   Description: Free Moneyball makes everything very easy that neither seems certain. First you just have to go with your mobile device to the app, this will give a clear indication that done ... within just have to touch the screen to activate the beanbag which has to fit with his ring, each once you get fit you will be given 1 point.   To that point? For when you accumulate 150 points you'll get your reward.   Game Modes   Easy: Try never lose always win.   Hardcore: Try to have 5 lives and what difference is that if you get 150 points in this game mode your reward will be given much faster than in easy mode.   Finally to enjoy and win.       English version     Informative title: Play and win, Easier impossible and totally incredible.   Description: Free Moneyball Makes everything very easy That does not even seem true. First you Just have to enter your mobile device With the app to, This will give you a clear indication of what to do ... in question Have you just touch the screen to operate the ball to Which has to fit your ring With, each Once you get to fit you will be Given 1 point.   What points? Then you accumulate 150 points When you can get your reward.   Game modes   Easy: try that you never lose always desire.   Hardcore: Try That You Have 5 lives and what makes the difference is if you get That 150 points in this game mode your reward will be much faster than in Given easy mode.   Finally to enjoy and win.










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