This is the free version of our app, with 15 words. You can get the full version here: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.pervychine.spanishincar You wan...
FREE Learn Spanish - Audio

This is the free version of our app, with 15 words. You can get the full version here: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.pervychine.spanishincar You want to learn Spanish, but feel lazy ? You also might not have time to do so... This app is here to help. You can start learning Spanish while during repetitive tasks like: - Driving / Commuting - Sitting in the bus - Taking a shower (requires speakers) - Working We have regrouped the most common words and phrases used in the Spanish language and put them in one app. This is the free version with only 15 words. The application will dictate a word in English, let's say "Love" and then will dictate the same word in Spanish "Amor". All you have to do is slightly listen to the application, and your subconsciousness will pick up the words. After using this app for a few weeks, you will see you will be able to understand some Spanish dialogs. This method is a crash course for learning Spanish. If you want to learn entirely Spanish, you will of course have to take more advanced classes, this is a vocabulary course. 这是免费的版本,我们的应用程序中,有15个字。你可以得到完整的版本,在这里: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.pervychine.spanishincar 你想学习西班牙语,但是感觉懒惰? 你也可能没有时间这样做... 这个程序为您提供帮助。您可以在过程中喜欢重复的任务开始学习西班牙语: - 驾驶/通勤 - 坐在公交车 - 洗澡(需要扬声器) - 工作 我们集结了最常用的词语,在西班牙语的短语,把他们放在一个应用程序。这是免费的版本只有15个字。 该应用程序将决定一个英文单词,让我们说“爱”,然后将决定同一个词在西班牙语“阿穆尔”。 所有你所要做的就是稍微听的应用程序,你的潜意识会拿起单词。 用了几个星期这个程序后,你会看到,你将能够了解一些西班牙的对话框。这种方法是速成班学习西班牙语。 如果你想学习西班牙语全部,你当然会采取更先进的课程,这是一个词汇课程。
FREE Learn Spanish - Audio游戏截图

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