Play the invigorating running adventure with just one finger! Get treasures from all over the world with summoned animals. Official new game from “LINE” – the f...
Play the invigorating running adventure with just one finger! Get treasures from all over the world with summoned animals. Official new game from “LINE” – the free call/messenger app. *LINE WIND runner features* - All you need to do is just tap the screen with your finger! - Don’t think, but feel the exciting speed! - You’re not alone in the adventure, lovely pets and divine animals will accompany you in the journey - Keep on running and you can upgrade your characters! - Fill the star gauge to trigger a fever time! *Tips* - Compete with your LINE friends! Overtake your friends and get bonuses! - The more friends you have, the more fun awaits you! Exchange Wing Shoes; gain Friendly points to receive free items! The game’s so simple so what are you waiting for? Come and join in the world of WIND runner!!
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