手机游戏> 愤怒之翼(Wings of Fur...> 游戏攻略
愤怒之翼(Wings of Fur...
一款玩法表现出色的射击游戏,玩家需要扮演一名驾驶员驾驶美国战机,从航空母舰起飞,接下来便要分别对日本的地上目标及各类型战舰进行打击!当然,日本人 也不会坐着等你攻击,它亦会不时派出鱼雷攻击机攻击游戏者的空母,若玩家的空母被多次炸中,便会下沉,纵使游戏者还有多部飞机未被击落,游戏就OVER! Become the next Maverick and navigate your own Thunderbolt towards the front. Become the next Maverick and navigate your own Thunderbolt towards the enemy front. Your Mission: Eliminate all enemies on the islands and return unharmed to your base. Discover your abilities and destroy anti-aircraft bases with singular skill. "Wings of Fury" is the...