flashba.se is an augmented reality game that will have you running around the streets and parks of your neighbourhood, not sitting in a darkened room with the g...

flashba.se is an augmented reality game that will have you running around the streets and parks of your neighbourhood, not sitting in a darkened room with the gloom of a screen flickering on your face. The idea is to build an empire in the places you care about, an empire that is only visible to other players of the game. Or, if some random guy is building HIS empire on your patch, you can attempt to destroy it. However, this being the first tentative release of the above described game, the game is substantially limited. The current version encourages players to collect gold that has been dropped in random locations in your area. Collecting gold will move your name up the online rich list at http://flashba.se/flashbase/rich and provide useful currency for purchases when additional features (like a store!) have been added. Please be aware that loot drops are entirely random and may not always be accessible. No risks should be taken to obtain gold in erous locations - in the event of loot being inaccessible, the first person to contact flashba.se stating the location of the drop will be awarded the gold.

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