疯狂弹头2:合金勋章,经典2D街机枪战射击游戏,吸引全球众多粉丝为其复杂的点像素的图形和简单直观的游戏控制! 经典2D街机枪战射击游戏,完全免费!!!!!Mad Slug 2: Metal Honor,the classical 2D run & gun action shooting game, fascinate ...

疯狂弹头2:合金勋章,经典2D街机枪战射击游戏,吸引全球众多粉丝为其复杂的点像素的图形和简单直观的游戏控制! 经典2D街机枪战射击游戏,完全免费!!!!!Mad Slug 2: Metal Honor,the classical 2D run & gun action shooting game, fascinate many fans of worldwide for its intricate dot-pixel graphics, and simple and intuitive game controls! The most highly praised title in the series among Mad Slug fans for its refined balance and game volume! Mad Slug 2: Metal Honor,The gameplay of the series is characteristic of run and gun games: large numbers of enemies and a player character with extremely powerful weapons. In most run and guns, contact with an enemy leads to annihilation. In this series, however, contact results in the opportunity to perform a melee attack and the opportunity for the enemy to perform a melee attack of his own, if he has one. The player's melee attack is also much stronger than most shots. This leads to the players ability to run in and use melee attacks to take down a number of enemies, and the ability to quickly defeat enemies that can take plenty of damage! The player starts with only a simple handgun; as the game progresses, the player may pick up new weapons. The player can only use one weapon at a time. When a new weapon is found, it replaces the previous one. Similarly, when ammunition runs out, the player reverts to using the handgun, which has unlimited ammunition.

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