Find Key Game 2

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Find Key Game 2

Find Key Game 2
Levels: 1 (up to 1000 points) 4 se [详情]

Levels: 1 (up to 1000 points) 4 seconds time 2 (1000÷3000) 2.5 seconds time 3 (3000÷6000) 2 seconds time 4 (6000÷12000) 1.5 seconds time 5 (12000÷24000) 1 second time 6 (24000÷34000) 4 seconds time with 6 tips keys 7 (34000÷54000) 3 seconds time with 6 tips keys 8 (54000÷84000) 2 seconds time with 6 tips keys 9 (84000÷124000) 1 second time with 6 tips keys 10 (124000÷156000) 0.9 second time with 6 tips keys and more levels with 12 tips keys ... The first doors seems easy to open, but when you are asked to open more and more, you will discover that the task is very tough! You are the Keys-keeper, act your level, open the requested doors, ever and ever faster! This is your duty. Usted es el encargado de las llaves, pero usted tiene que abrir muchas puertas! Jugais el juego! Vous êtes le gardien des clés, mais vous devez ouvrir beaucoup de portes! Jouez vous le jeu! Tu sei il custode delle chiavi, ma bisogna aprire un sacco di porte! Gioca il tuo gioco! Sie sind der Schlüsselhalter, aber Sie müssen eine Menge Türen öffnen! Spielen Sie das Spiel! Visual memorization exercise, ejercicio visual memorización, exercice de mémorisation visuelle, Visuelle Auswendig Übung, esercizio di memorizzazione visiva. Keys choice, time framed, guess the right key for the locker. Have fun with the funny choice! Keys game. Find the key! Gioco delle chiavi. Trova la chiave! Juego de las llaves. Encuentra la llave! Jeu des clés. Trouvez vous la clé! Schlüssel Spiel. Finden Sie die Schlüssel! Readiness of mind, quick reflexes, readiness of wit, prontezza di riflessi, rapidité de reactions, rapidité d'esprit, Wachsamkeit, rapidez de reflejos










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