手机游戏> Field Runner> 游戏评论
Field Runner

[EN] This is a 2D game which you try to survive from enemies in the different fields.There is two Game Mode in game on of them is normal mode includes levels other is Survival which you try to do escape more second than others in the world.In the levels mode there is 8 levels. You have to play level by level to open other levels.In the Survival you are trying to do your best second and you are submitting your second to world. And you can see others.Your mission is survive until seconds which in the top left finish. The enemies will bite you and take your hp if you don't escape.HAVE FUN![TR] The Last Droid oyunu 2 boyutlu ve amaci her bolumde verilen sure boyunca duanlardan kacma olan oyundur.Oyunda 8 farkli bolum vardir. Diger bolumu aktif edebilmek icin ondan oncekini bitirmeniz gerekir.Ayrica oyunda Survival modu vardir. Bu modda duanlardan kacabildiginiz kadar kacmalisiniz. Oldugunuzde ise saniyenizi dunya ile paylasabilir ve onlarinkine de erisebilirsiniz.IYI EGLENCELER!tags : Run, Escape ,Field Run ,The Last Droid, Last Droid, Droid, Kac, Survival, Levels, Escape Enemies , Droid War, Droid Run, Droid Runner