ff幻想14黑魔法师技能介绍 ff幻想游戏黑魔法师新手教程 科普
关于黑魔导的F&Q 1.我要如何成为黑魔导? 首先你需要主职业 咒术士(Thaumatuge) 30级以及副职业 弓箭手(Archer) 15级。然...[详情]

ff is a focus mini game which have over 1000 interesting levels. You have a lot to explore. In this game you've to throw balls on revolving pins. These pins can be move in different direction , can change their strategy randomly and can go more tough and tough. You must have to constantly focus on them , don't miss them , and don't throw more than two balls on same pins. Otherwise you will fail level. 更新内容: 提升体验,修复部分问题。