手机游戏>Fate/Grand Order>Fate/Grand Order (English)英灵
Fate/Grand Order英灵
由日本FGO Arcade Project预定于2018年7月下旬在日本大型电玩中心推出营运,以人气手游大作《FGO》为题材的这款大型机台英...[详情]
《Fate/Grand Order》日服主线2.0各章节新英灵曝光!
明日(4月4日),《Fate/Grand Order》日服即将迎来主线2.0的实装,届时第2部第1章「Lostbelt No.1 永久冻土帝...[详情]
《Fate Grand Order》2周年福袋可抽取英灵一览
FGO2周年福袋可以抽到什么英灵?相信很多玩家还不是很了解,那么下面就由九游小编为大家带来Fate Grand Order2周年福袋可抽取英...[详情]
《Fate Grand Order》第三弹英灵羁绊礼装效果介绍
《Fate Grand Order》第二弹英灵10羁绊等级所需点数一览
Fate Grand Order安曼纽介绍由九游小编为大家带来,命运冠位指定中,安曼纽是fate zero联动新增加的avenger英灵,是...[详情]
Fate Grand Order无用英灵介绍又九游小编为大家带来,FGO中有很多英灵是华而不实的,这次让大家看看这些用处不大的英灵,下面来看...[详情]
《Fate Grand Order》FZ活动全任务表及推荐任务顺序
Fate Grand OrderFZ活动全任务表及推荐任务顺序由九游小编为大家带来,赝作以后就是FZ的预热和FZ联动了,FZ活动需要什么?来...[详情]
Fate Grand OrderCCC活动五星英灵猜测由九游小编为大家带来,日服FGO的CCC联动公布了最新的消息,最新的活动中BB是四星的...[详情]
《Fate Grand Order》星战活动加成英灵选择推荐
Fate Grand Order童谣介绍由九游小编为大家带来,命运冠位指定中,童谣是即将到来的圣诞活动新增加的英灵,是游戏中变化最大的英灵之...[详情]
《Fate Grand Order》终章冠位时间神殿更新内容介绍
fgo终章冠位时间神殿什么时候开始?fate grand order在最终章预告出来之后不久,终于放出了关于最终章的正式活动,下面就和小编一...[详情]
传说在《Fate/Grand Order》中有着一位“六星英灵”,这位英灵自始至终都非常好用,不仅有着极强的辅助能力,而且颜值颇高,深受妹子...[详情]
fgo前期哪些英灵值得培养?前期我们获得英灵等级都不高,所以有些是不值得培养的,下面就和小编一起来看看Fate Grand Order前期英...[详情]
fgo友情点怎么得?剧情奖池和活动限时奖池都是用圣晶石抽取的,而友情奖池要用友情点抽,下面就和小编一起来看看Fate Grand Order...[详情]
fgo战马的幼角在哪刷?想要强化技能和灵基在临需要很多的素材,其中有一些是稀有素材很难刷,下面就和小编一起来看看Fate Grand Ord...[详情]
《Fate Grand Order》日服圆桌骑士pick up召唤活动限时开启
fgo圆桌骑士pick up怎么样?下面就和小编一起来看看Fate Grand Order日服圆桌骑士pick up召唤活动限时开启吧! ...[详情]
突袭三次元《Fate/Grand Order》惊现北上广深地铁站
“迦勒底专线”始动!英灵集结开启四城“圣杯探索”! 400万下载庆典进行时!新从者坂田金时限时开放! 不...[详情]
fgo新英灵坂田金时怎么样?值不值得入手?下面就和小编一起来看看Fate Grand Order新英灵坂田金时使用分析吧! FGO国服...[详情]
fgo各职阶英灵怎么选?下面就和小编一起来看看Fate Grand Order各职阶英灵推荐吧!希望大家喜欢。 Fate Grand ...[详情]
Fate/Grand Order (English)

A new mobile "Fate RPG," presented by TYPE-MOON! With an impressive main scenario and multiple character quests, the game features millions of words of original story! Packed with content that both fans of the Fate franchise and newcomers will be able to enjoy. Summary 2017 A.D. Chaldea, an organization tasked with observing Earth's future, has confirmed that human history will be eliminated at 2019. Without warning, the promised future of 2017 disappeared. Why? How? Who? By what means? AD. 2004. A certain provincial town in Japan. For the first time ever, a region that could not be observed appeared. Assuming that this was the cause of humanity’s extinction, Chaldea carried out its sixth experiment - time travel into the past. A forbidden ceremony where they would convert humans into Spiritrons and send them back in time. By intervening in events, they would locate, identify, and destroy the space-time Singularities. The mission classification is an order to protect Humanity: Grand Order. This is the title for those who would take a stand against human history and battle fate in order to protect mankind. Game Introduction A command card battle RPG optimized for art phones! Players become Masters and together with Heroic Spirits, defeat enemies and solve the mystery of human history's disappearance. It's up the players to form a party with their favorite Heroic Spirits - both new and old. Game Composition/Scenario Direction Kinoko Nasu Character Design/Art Direction Takashi Takeuchi Scenario Writers Yuichiro Higashide, Hikaru Sakurai Smartphones or tablets with Android 4.1 or higher and 2GB or more RAM. (Incompatible with Intel CPUs.) *It is possible that the game will not work on some devices, even with the recommended version or higher. *Incompatible with OS beta versions. This application uses "CRIWARE (TM)" from CRI Middleware Co. Ltd.