As the pages in her journal run out, there is only one thing for Sunset Shimmer to do: return to Equestria to get a new journal! There, she meets Starlight Glim...
Fashions Girls Starlight Dress Up
As the pages in her journal run out, there is only one thing for Sunset Shimmer to do: return to Equestria to get a new journal! There, she meets Starlight Glimmer and agrees to bring her back to experience life at Canterlot High. But while Sunset Shimmer was away, a revenge seeking Juniper Montage finds a beautiful hand mirror enchanted with Equestrian magic. Not only can it provide a window into another land, but if you push the right button, it can also make things disappear into limbo, trapped between the two realms!... Starlight Glimmer is very skilled in using magic and mentions that she has studied a spell for years. She wields an ordinary wooden staff called the Staff of Sameness while casting a spell in a ceremony known by her followers as "cutie unmarking", pretending this to be the staff's power instead of her own. She also uses telekinesis at long range, projects magical barriers, creates distracting lights, and shoots powerful magic blasts. Exclusive Games Girls Friendship Dress Up with: Pinkie Pie with: Pinkie Pie Fluttershy Rainbow Sunset Shimmer Rarity Applejack Equestria style My pony style little games Fluttershy Rainbow Dash Sunset Shimmer Rarity Equestria My pony style games Girls Friendship Dress Up
Fashions Girls Starlight Dress Up游戏截图
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