SDLPAL is an SDL-based open-source cross-platform reimplementation of a classic Chinese RPG game. It is created from scratch and does not contain any copyrighte...
Fairy Sword
SDLPAL is an SDL-based open-source cross-platform reimplementation of a classic Chinese RPG game. It is created from scratch and does not contain any copyrighted material. Please see https://github.com/sdlpal/sdlpal for more information. This modified version features: - Separated control buttons on display; - Landscape/portrait screen orientation; - 简体中文/繁體中文/English easy setup. This game is your type if you: - dream to be a hero; - love fantasy stories; - are a maze enthusiast; - enjoy fighting monsters. Fairy Sword (this app) is open source and licensed under GPLv3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XoGp7XUE8Gezuuz95tgDMxwVvAyYRy2b. This app contains ads. If you want an ad-free game, please try Pal by Wei Mingzhi: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sdlpal.sdlpal&hl=en. NOTE: The original game is now free and can be downloaded legally at the official website of Baiyou: http://update1.baiyou100.com/resource/Pal98rqp.zip. For copyright reasons, data files cannot be redistributed (but will be downloaded from the above website on first run). Pal98rqp.zip file size is 135.56 MB. It will take a very long time to download. 繁體中文 and English need the translation patch (paleng_v32.zip by PalFans). The file will be downloaded from http://www.romhacking.net/translations/2441/. You have to click the Download link (scroll down to find it) when the web browser opens. You may need to enter a given password and click the button "I AM HUMAN". If the auto download method does not work, please use the above links and save the files Pal98rqp.zip and paleng_v32.zip to the "Download" folder, then rerun this app.
Fairy Sword游戏截图
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