A magical unicorn family lives in a wonderful forest. Play, style and take care of them! Meet Mother Rose and Father Stormy, sisters Salsa and Kiki, little brot...
Fairyland 3 Unicorn Family
A magical unicorn family lives in a wonderful forest. Play, style and take care of them! Meet Mother Rose and Father Stormy, sisters Salsa and Kiki, little brother Albert. Take care of their appearance, defend them from unfriendly creatures that are sneaking in the forest. Mother Rose wants to change her haircut, give her a hand. Dye her long hair, cut it stylishly and curl it. Make pedicure and manicure for her and dress her up with matching clothes. Father Stormy needs a shower after his long wanderings around the forest. Also take care of his wounded legs and do his hair. Stylish robes are all that's left. Sister Salsa is in a hurry to a Unicorn Party. Help her to do her hair and makeup stylishly, accessorize her with a tattoo. Match the clothes so they are reasonable at the party. Little sister Kiki also wants to dress up. After a long playtime with her brother Albert, she needs a shower. Wash and cut her hair, brush it, do a pedicure. Dress her in the nicest clothes. Little brother Albert is tired, take him to the shower, take care of his bruised legs, cut his hair and dress him up. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ABOUT TutoTOONS Games for Kids Crafted and play-tested with kids and toddlers, TutoTOONS games cherish the childhood and help children learn the basic life skills through games they love. Dress up games can develop creativity and art skills, cleanup games build good every day habits, cooking games show how to help parents at home, pet games teach to share and care. These are just a few examples how TutoTOONS games let children explore the world around them and develop on their screen time. PRIVACY This app is free to play but there are certain in-game items that may be purchased for real money. By downloading this app you agree to TutoTOONS Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Discover more fun with TutoTOONS! Play our games: http://tutotoons.com/games Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tutotoonsgames Subscribe our YouTube channel: https://goo.gl/3FsX1j Subscribe our newsletter for families (coming soon): http://eepurl.com/bUWUTj More super cool features, characters and activities for kids! Less bugs. If you caught one, let us know at support@tutotoons.com.
Fairyland 3 Unicorn Family游戏截图
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