EXORUN,和明星一起进行的快乐跑酷游戏! 准备好和EXO一起开心冒险了吗? ★ EXORUN infinity loading issue after execution.. Reason: google play game app isn't installed on your phone. ■ How to install Google play game app 1.Connect to google play store, install (or update it) [Google Play game] 2.Execute EXORUN one more. ■ If you can't update game, Please rebooting your phone. Let's run withEXO! ▶EXORUN的特征 EXO的官方人偶角色进入手游! 关卡模式、排名模式、黄金地城等丰富的游戏模式! 跑酷游戏史上首次搭载服装系统! 以EXO收集册获得专属宠物! ▶可爱的3D角色 可以在游戏中见到EXO的官方人偶角色。 可以看到可爱的动作和舞蹈。 ▶排名模式 和全球玩家比赛谁跑得更远! 升级角色和宠物的话,可以跑得更远。 为了取得高分,一定要使用宝物。 ▶关卡模式 KAI,CHANYEOL,XIUMIN,SEHUN,SUHO, CHEN,BAEKHYUN,LAY,D.O. 9名EXO成员的预告影片背景就在游戏中! 完成各式各样的关卡,获得丰富的奖励。 ▶服装系统 替角色穿上各种服装。 休闲服装、舞台服装、还有充满品味的饰品! 装备服装的话,角色能力值也会升级。 使用服装把角色打扮得更帅气吧~ ▶收集册 集满EXO成员的可以获得专属宠物。 专属宠物加上EXO的超能力,可以发动惊人的奖励效果! ▶Permission Requests The READ_PHONE_STATE - Permission is needed by our analytics tracker, to identify behaviour for specific users. GET_ACCOUNT - Permissions is needed by our analytics tracker, to identify behaviour for specific users. READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Permission is needed to read credentials & images to support multiple accounts login. WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Permissions is needed to save credentials & images to support multiple accounts login. 开发商联络方式 (株)Putto Entertainment 大韩京畿道城南市盆唐区板桥站路230、SAMWHAN HIPEX B栋805号 exorun@putto.co.krNew Costume Update_Ko Ko Bop New Picture Update_Ko Ko Bop Bug Fix