
Play with Sunny (little monkey) and learn numbers and counting with various animations thru interactive learning. Kids will definitely love it and can learn numbers and counting and various features (apples, Oranges, Sunflowers etc ) in one shot. Small test on Mathematics numbers and counting will help your kids to understand the counting process with the animations. Sunny will help your kids learn Mathematics numbers and counting in one go. Please make sure to turn on the speaker phones on to have interactive learning. Procedure to use the app ------------------------- In Apple screen - pluck the apples (click on the apples) In Car screen - click the cars one by one Similarly in other screens.. 与阳光(小猴子)玩耍和学习数字和各种动画直通互动学习计数。孩子们一定会喜欢它,可以一次性学习数字和计数和各种功能(苹果,橙子,向日葵等)。小试数学上的数字和计算将帮助您的孩子理解计数过程的动画。恒业将帮助您的孩子学习数学的数字和一气呵成计数。 请务必打开免提电话上有互动式学习。 程序使用的应用程序 ------------------------- 在苹果的屏幕 - 采摘苹果(点击苹果) 在车载屏 - 点击轿车逐一 同样,在其他屏幕..