手机游戏>EOS Knights Calculator>电脑版下载
电脑版下载(在电脑上玩EOS Knights Calculator)
Simulate Knight's Max Floors you can reach and Item's Upgrade Stats Simply you can load your knights stats and profit by your account name Also you can check the each knight item drop rate and magic water etc.. Thanks. 간단히 이오스 계정이름만 넣으면 이오스 나이츠에서의 수익률을 볼수 있으며 현재 기사들의 공격력/방어력/체력 등을 확인해서 도달 가능한 층수를 확인해 볼수 있습니다. 상위 층수로 가고자 할 때 수치를 변경해봄으로써 어떤 아이템을 바꾸면 몇층까지 도달하는지 시뮬레이션 해볼수 있습니다. 감사합니다. ---- 개발자 연락처 : 010-3454-1219 Simulate Knight's Max Floors Simply you can load your knights stats and profits by your account name Also you can check the drop rate and magic water etc .. Thanks. Simply enter the name of your ios account and you will see the yield on iOS Knights, You can check the number of layers that can be reached by checking the damage / defense / health of the knights. When you want to go to the upper floor, you can change the number to simulate how many layers you can reach by changing an item. Thank you.
