
The goal of the game is to assemble the Aquamarine. Nobody has been able to do this before. New firgures appear in the "appearance square" every turn. You should place the figures on the playing field so that they can assamble in a new type offigures, until cells end or you assemble the Aquamarine. Figures can assamble in new type, if there are two or more figures of the same type. There are several types of figures: Main type/class: Common figures, which appear in the "appearance square" every turn and every 5 turns in a random place on the field Supporting type/class: Fishing rod allows you to displace the needed figure in the free cell on the playing field. DNA: allows you to combine two adjacent figures in a figure subsequent type. If the figure does not, creates an aquarium, which each turn gives coins Every 100 moves you will have a chance to remove one figure from the playing field. There is a "bucket" to the left of the "appearance square". In the "bucket" you can keep one figure until you put it on the field.