-- RO -- Pornește cu Emiluț în aventură și ajută-l să adune cât mai multe lemne! Mai mult decat atât! Dupa ce ati adunat impreuna destule lemne vei putea debl...
Emilut in Aventura
-- RO -- Pornește cu Emiluț în aventură și ajută-l să adune cât mai multe lemne! Mai mult decat atât! Dupa ce ati adunat impreuna destule lemne vei putea debloca 3 lumi secrete unde va asteapta o rasplata pe masura efortului depus în padure. Proca-ți prietenii la întrecere, urmărește-i în clasamentul live și rămâi mereu deasupra lor, cu mai multe lemne adunate! Dacă reușești să îl faci fericit pe Emiluț, el promite că va reveni cu mai multe bonusuri și surprize cât mai curand posibil. SPECIFICATII: - Distractie infinita pentru tine si prietenii tai! - Pagina cu sunete (soundboard) cu replicile amuzante ale lui Emilut. - Mod de joc cu o singura apasare. Apasa pentru a sari. E simplu! - Games Services: Vezi in timp real pe ce loc te situezi. CUM TE JOCI: Apasa pe ecran odata pentru a sari! Aduna cat mai multe lemne si deblocheaza lumea secreta. Nu uita sa ajungi pe locul 1! Facut in Romania cu pasiune de Wyverin Entertainment ♥ -- EN -- Start the Adventure with Emilut and help him collect as many woods! More than that! Once you have gathered together enough wood, you can unlock 3 secret worlds where you will be rewarded by the effort made in the forest. Challenge your friends for the race, watch them in the live standings and stay on top of them, with more woods! If you manage to make Emilut happy, he promises to return with more bonuses and surprises as soon as possible. SPECIFICATIONS: - Endless fun for you and your friends! - The soundboard page with Emilut's funny replicas. - One-touch mode. Tap to jump. It's simple! - Games Services: View in real time where you are. HOW TO GO: Click on the screen once to jump! Collect as many woods and unlock the secret world. Do not forget to get 1st! Made in Romania with passion by Wyverin Entertainment ♥ - RO - Start with Emilut in the adventure and help him to collect as many woods! More than that! Once you have gathered together enough wood, you can unlock 3 secret worlds where you will be rewarded by the effort made in the forest. Challenge your friends for the race, watch them in the live standings and stay on top of them, with more than one assembled wood! If you manage to make Emilut happy, he promises to return with more bonuses and surprises as soon as possible. SPECIFICATIONS: - Endless fun for you and your friends! - The soundboard page with Emilut's funny replicas. - One-touch mode. Click to jump. It's simple! - Games Services: View in real time where you are. HOW TO GO: Click on the screen once to jump! Collect as many woods and unlock the secret world. Do not forget to get 1st! Made in Romania with passion for Wyverin Entertainment ♥ - EN - Start the Adventure with Emilut and help him collect as many woods! More than that! Once you have gathered together enough wood, you can unlock 3 secret worlds where you will be rewarded by the effort made in the forest. Challenge your friends for the race, watch them in the live standings and stay on top of them, with more woods! If you manage to make Emilut happy, he promises to return with more bonuses and surprises as soon as possible. SPECIFICATIONS: - Endless fun for you and your friends! - The soundboard page with Emilut's funny replicas. - One-touch mode. Tap to jump. It's simple! - Games Services: View in real time where you are. HOW TO GO: Click on the screen once to jump! Collect as many woods and unlock the secret world. Do not forget to get 1st! Made in Romania with passion by Wyverin Entertainment ♥
Emilut in Aventura游戏截图
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